
Friday, June 22, 2012

Do we really choose who we fall in love with? Is it true?

I was out with my girlfriends, having drinks and catching up, just the usual. We start talking about relationships and finding the right guy. This is the thing, my friend, Amy, is a 22 year old girl who has never been in a relationship. Yeah yeah I know, do those really exist? Yes, they do and I happen to have one of this rare kind for a friend. She is a beautiful girl, great personality, very friendly, all the guys are trying to get at least a date with her, but she has just chosen to be single. She has almost dated a couple of guys.... almost, but didn't. The girls and I always make fun of her about being the man eater of our group. And she proceeds to give her usual explanation for remaining single this long and not giving any man a chance. She has this ideal man made up in her head, and she is determined not to settle for less. These were her exact words to me; 
 "What if I start dating someone and Mr. Right comes along while I am dating him?"
I guess she could be right to some extent. But the question is this: Is there really a Mr. Right for everyone? Is there a particular person that has been created specifically for us? Do we choose who we fall in love with?

In my opinion we choose who we fall in love with. If you really want to make it work with someone, you will. Just the same way we choose to dislike people, we choose to love them too. For instance, we've all had that person that we just didn't like for no reason, but we eventually started liking them because we spent more time with them and got to know them better (probably because we didn't have any other choice but to try). If we don't choose who we fall in love with, how do you explain the happy married life of the older Africans, Indians (and any other country/continents where girls are given away in marriage to men they barely know). Could it be mere luck? How come the divorce rate in those countries are now increasing with dating becoming normal there? Divorce is just a whole different thing and I'm not about to get into that right now.

Please feel free to share your opinion.

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